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Inactive HUD

After about 30 to 45 minutes (approximately one game year), the TE3K HUD becomes inactive. There are several ways of dealing with this:

  • detach the HUD and re-attach it
  • use the "offer scroll"-buttons (bottom right corner of the HUD)
  • if the clock display has gone green instead of blue to show inactivity, click on it
  • if you have Allies, opening a commlink to one of them forces the HUD to wake up

HUD is attached but invisible

Chat commands for the HUD are:

  • /3000 help (or /3000 options): Brings up the blue options window.
  • /3000 reset: Resets the game hud to a default location on the screen.
  • /3000 min (or /3000 minimize): Minimizes the game HUD so that it takes up less space.
  • /3000 max (or /3000 restore): Restores the game HUD to full size.

The game text is hanging over the edge of the HUD, or it's not aligned correctly

Tiny Empires 3000 makes extensive use of hover text on the HUD. Depending on your screen settings, you might see the text hanging over the edge of the HUD or blocking some of the graphics. To address this, you can alter the UI size of Second Life, which changes how the hover text appears. To do this, click Edit -> Preferences from the SL menu, and slide the UI Size slider to the left or right, and click Apply to see the result. Tiny Empires 3000 also allows you to fine-tune the position of the text. Click the ? button at the top of the HUD and then click "Adjust Text". On that blue window you will be able to move the text up/down/left/right by small amounts.

Configuring the HUD

How can I configure Tiny Empires 3000? Click the "?"-button at the top of the game HUD, or type "/3000 help" in Local Chat. This will bring up the blue settings dialog that lets you configure the HUD position, overlaid text position, and sounds, among other things.

Other questions and answers (from the Help Notecard provided by the TE3K HUD

Q. I attached the Tiny Empires 3000 HUD, it says it's attached, I can hear it, but I cannot see it! Where is it?

A. The game HUD is probably off to the side of the visible screen. Type "/3000 reset" into the Local Chat window of Second Life (do not include the quote marks). This will move the game HUD to the default position for its current attachment point. If that doesn't fix it, just visit Ultralite Soleil's shop and look for the Tiny Empires 3000 HUD Replacer on the wall. It will send you a new copy of the game HUD for free, which should show up correctly when worn.

Q. How can I move the HUD to a different place on the screen?

A. Just drag the HUD slowly with your mouse. Alternatively, you can right-click on the HUD and choose Edit. Then use the green and blue arrowheads to move the HUD.

Q. How can I attach the HUD to a different point?

A. Attach the HUD to any HUD attachment point you wish (the default is HUD Top). If it's not visible, type "/3000 reset" into the Local Chat window of Second Life (do not include the quote marks). This will move the game HUD to the default position for its current attachment point.

Q. My Tiny Empires 3000 HUD is frozen and I can't click it!

A. Tiny Empires 3000 will not work in no-script areas of Second Life. If you are in a no-script area of Second Life, the game will notify you with a message. Also, the animated power readout will disappear and the small red power light near the top left of the HUD will go dark. Upon returning to a script-enabled area, the power light should turn on again, and the HUD should notify you that it is again operational.

Q. My income has gone to zero and I'm getting very few offers.

A. After a while of no activity from you, the game HUD will go into idle mode. For most purposes, an idle HUD is considered to be offline. To restore the game to active mode, click the animated power readout on the left edge of the game HUD.

Q. My Tiny Empires 3000 HUD is broken or lost. Can I get a replacement?

A. Yes. Go to my shop (search for Ultralite Soleil) and click the Tiny Empires 3000 HUD Replacer on the wall there. It will look up your payment status and send you a new copy of the Tiny Empires 3000 game HUD for free.

Q. How can I stop the sound from playing whenever a turn is ready?

A. Click the ? button at the top of the game HUD, and click Sounds to configure how sounds play in the game.