Stargate Egypt

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We're a fun, low drama group from several Tiny Empires kingdoms/queendoms. We welcome new people! And as my friends will tell you, I take care of my downline!!

Chart of Line

Captain Kelly Barron

  • Cerridwen Wise
  • DemonKnight Demonia
  • Isabella Destiny
  • Jennyl Jameson
    • Ushi Cioc
      • Danni Bekkers
        • Blasius Messmer
          • Meni Bikcin
            • Scipio Outlander
              • DandyDon Meredith
              • Rhianna Penucca
          • FoxyGhost Baxton
          • Hawk Ireman
            • Lan Morgath
              • Wilder Sirbu
                • Tod Panache
                  • Rex Vintner
                    • Liz Rallier
            • Sugar Selllers
              • Sugary String
            • Gaya Ethaniel
          • Bruin Ghost
            • Xi Soulstar
              • Fugly Yootz
                • Linda Kegel
            • JohnR Marvin
      • Buggie Breda
        • Roni Writer
      • Lisszy Blitz
      • Aliehsh Heying
    • Jeffuffa Dufaux
      • Cassidy Lemon
  • Leah Hitendra
  • MoLoveMoFun Hamerer
  • Socommom Flanagan
  • Yar Silvercloud