The Bureaucrat

From Tiny Empires 3k
Revision as of 12:16, 15 September 2016 by Andysao (talk | contribs) (add in 30rt puzzle offer and minor edits)
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The Bureaucrat
Guilds of Tiny Empires 3000
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Red Tape

The Bureaucrat made his first appearance on Jan 26, 2012 in game month July 3259 visiting all guilds. As anticipated, there are similarities with the Alchemist in TE including the multi-turn approach sequence and the trading of red tape for game modifiers.

Red Tape started being awarded during January 2012 and may be received for any of the following:

  • Paying end of year dues
  • Paying fleet tax for being at/above a certain rank (2 or 3 Red Tape)
  • Refunding a direct's commission
  • Buying a ship (1 to 3 Red Tape)
  • Selling a ship (1 to 3 Red Tape)
  • Entering a puzzle answer (up to 3 Red Tape)
  • Gift from MV (2 to 5 Red Tape)
  • Completing some steps on the Call of Leadership (Step 2 gave 5 Red Tape)
  • Hiring the flagship designer in the Director's Quest (3 red tape)
  • Random Event, eg "A distributor that you sometimes work with owes you payment. He recently changed his Accounts Payable process. You spend hours trying to get your credits. You gained 1 Red Tape"
  • Paying for the medical clinics at the 30K ships stage on Call of Leadership (5 Red Tape)
  • Paying for the planet terraforming at the 50K ships stage on Call of Leadership (5 Red Tape)

The Bureaucrat's Offers

List of offers seen so far, ordered by their cost.

  • Fleet Tax Arrangement 202(r) - fleet tax 20% less forever - 2 red tape
  • Reserve Bond 908.5(m) - fleet donation matched twice - 2 red tape
  • Clarity Renumeration Forum 1 (c) - +50% on puzzle bonus forever - 3 red tape
  • Unity Match Contract - unity bonus 50 % forever - 3 red tape
  • Research Arrangement - Jump Ahead 3 research levels - 4 red tape
  • Dues Stipulation - annual guild dues 10% less - 4 red tape
  • Census Agreement 47 (s) - 10% more per sub - 5 red tape
  • Census Agreement 219 - 10% more/colonists - 5 red tape
  • Research Arrangement RA6 - Jump ahead 6 research levels - 6 red tape
  • Colonist Contract 710(a) - +10% colonist capacity - 7 red tape
  • Dues Compromise 20(v) - Annual Guild Dues 20% Less - 8 red tape (This was seen after previously purchasing the Dues Stipulation that gives 10% less, possibly it's not offered until after the 10% contract has been bought)
  • Unity Commitment C(f.100) - Unit bonus doubled forever - 10 red tape
  • Clarity Premium Form 2 (c) - Puzzle bonus doubled Forever - 10 red tape
  • Charitable Synergy - Give double ships for a while - 10 red tape (first seen Oct. 2013)
  • Fleet Tax Arrangement 404(r) - Fleet tax 40% less forever - 12 red tape
  • Dues Compromise 30(z) - Annual Guild Dues 30% less - 12 red tape
  • Ship Concessions s5 - Ships cost 5% less forever - 15 red tape
  • Census(s) Treaty 57(s) - 20% more per subordinate - 20 red tape
  • Census(c) Treaty 819(c) - 20% more per colonist - 20 red tape
  • Research Contract I.Nf.2x - Research is doubled forever - 20 red tape (clarification required: what is doubled?)
  • Colonist Accord 20.r(b) - +20% colonist capacity - 25 red tape
  • Fleet Tax Embargo - Total immunity to fleet tax - 25 red tape
  • Ship Concessions s10 - Ships cost 10% less - 30 red tape
  • Unity Incentive 3x.k - Unity bonus tripled forever - 30 red tape

(Name to be confirmed) - Puzzle bonus tripled forever - 30 red tape

  • Alien Negotiation Contract - MV price 25% less forever - 35 red tape
  • Colonist Accord 144.33(b) - +33% colonist capacity (200% cumulative) - 35 red tape
  • Ship Settlement s15 - Ships cost 15% less - 50 red tape
  • Bureaucratic Entente - Fleet Efficiency +100 cr/ship - 60 red tape
  • Alien Negotation Pact - MV price halved forever - 70 red tape
  • Bureaucratic Coup - Fleet Efficiency +100 cr/ship - 100 red tape

The table below shows the evolution of each theme

Theme Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Lower Fleet Tax 20% less 2RT 40% less 12RT Immune 25RT
Reserve Fleet Match donation twice 2RT - -
Puzzles 50% bonus 3RT 100% bonus 10RT 200% bonus 30RT
Unity Vote 50% bonus 3RT 100% bonus 10RT 200% bonus 30RT
Annual Dues 10% less 4RT 20% less 8RT 30% less 12RT
Research Gain 3 steps 4RT Gain 6 steps 6RT 2 steps at a time 20RT
Census - Directs 10% more per direct 5RT 20% more per direct 20RT -
Census - Colonists 10% more per colonist 5RT 20% more per colonist 20RT -
Colonist capacity 10% more 7RT 20% more 25RT 33% more 35RT
Ship Pricing 5% less 15RT 10% less 30RT 15% less 50RT
MV Cost 25% less 35RT 50% less 70RT -
Fleet Efficiency +100/month 60RT +100/month 100RT -
Giving Ships Give double 'for a while' 10RT - -

In-Game Prompts

  • Month 1: The Bureaucrat has come to (name of guild) space. His ability to navigate political minefields, bypass elaborate over-regulation, and cut red tape is truly astonishing. He should be here shortly.
  • Month 2: The Bureaucrat is a man of mystery. Nobody knows how he can do what he does. Some say he's not human at all, but is actually an advanced AI under the control of a shadowy pseudo-governmental agency
  • Month 3: A spaceport has been set up for next month's Bureaucrat visit at guild headquarters. Long lines are anticipated. The only thing that can cut red tape is more red tape. You check your inventory. You have X red tape. (Slightly different message if none)
  • Month 4, page 1: The Bureaucrat sits at a desk surrounded by assistants, who are constantly whispering into his ear. He is also connected to an untold number of other parties via comm-link insterted into the base of his skull
  • Month 4, page 2: You feel that the Bureaucrat could make anything possible. Which contract will you sign?
  • Month 5, page 1: Feedback on your purchase or a generic message if nothing purchased.
  • Month 5, page 2: The line of visitors dwindles. The Bureaucrat unplugs his comm-link, smooths his tie, and strides out of the room, followed by his assistants. The sign on the wall enlightens you: "Facilitate, Leverage, Perseverance!"

The three buzzwords above vary from visit to visit.

Notification of Bureaucrat visits whilst offline is given in the "While you were away" pages when someone direct to their Guildleader logs into the game.

The frequency is assumed to be daily and individual to each guild from the second visitation onwards. The first was seen in all guilds simultaneously.

The offers may not all be affordable, but do seem to be tailored to the number of red tape held, eg when holding 15 tape the offers presented cost 10, 10 and 15. Also some situations have been seen where less than 3 offers are presented.