Mysterious Vessel

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A "Mysterious Vessel" will occasionally appear in the HUD. His appearance always causes a lot of excitement and joy in Tiny Empires 3000. When he appears, the "Onboard Entity" will ask you for a lot of of credits to trade for minerals and ore, but won't say what you will be getting in exchange. Definitely pay what he asks if you have the credits, as the Vessel is a bonus to the players. The Vessel can give you a boost in either ships or credits, if played properly. You only get the "Mysterious Vessel" after the rank of Trader, or in other words, you have at least 50 total ships.

On arrival of the "Mysterious Vessel" there are some steps. They are:

  • 1st month = 1st notice, warning about the Mysterious Vessels approach.
  • 2nd month = nothing
  • 3rd month = 2nd notice, warning again of the Mysterious Vessel.
  • 4th month = nothing
  • 5th month = 3rd notice (+ amount of credits asked)
  • 6th month = 4th notice and payment


Result What to Do Details
For one year, you may buy ships at a very low price. BUY ships for 12 turns (and sell them if you want to make profit) The price of buying a ship will be incredibly low. Not totally free, so you will need to have some credits to buy the ships. If you don't have enough gold to buy, you can always buy/sell at the same time, but be careful the selling price doesn't drop to.
For one year your ships will be worth more than normal SELL ships for 12 turns (and buy them back if you want to keep your personal fleet the same level) Your ships are worth a lot with this bonus, but depending on your situation you may want to BUY and SELL at once so you do not lose total ships, unless you are just out for credits.
Offers fuel pellets, your efficiency skyrockets. WAIT out the 12 turns to collect credits and BUY ships (when you can/want) Your ship efficiency will skyrocket for 12 turns, and you will get a ridiculous amount of credits per turn. Like with any bonus that builds up your credits, buy ships when you can. Unlike old TE,the efficiency goes up instead of down when you buy.
Fleet efficiency has been raised by 100 credits/ship permanently. Nothing! This bonus permanently increases your ship efficiency by 100cr/ship. You can check your ship efficiency by clicking on the Accounting tab in the HUD. When you get this bonus, you have nothing further to do. This is the best bonus in my opinion, and pays off the most in the long run. This reward can only be obtained twice.
Purchased ships are very likely to contain surprises BUY ships for 11 turns You will receive a surprise in credits which is close to the price of the ship you just bought. Sometimes "hidden chamber with a credit chip", or "transport previous owner", or "left-over cargo". Basically you are getting ships for free or incredibly cheap. Note that for the last month of the Trader bonus year, you don't get the bonus - hence you only buy for 11 of the 12 turns.
ONE of your ships is worth more. SELL ships (and buy back if you want) You receive messages that say, "Do you want to sell this ship? Perhaps it is worth something" during normally occurring ship buy/sell turns. Selling this ship may or may not give a profit. Usually it takes 3-7 sales to receive the "rare ship" worth more, but depending on how many it takes (the longer it takes to find, the more it seems to be worth), you will receive between 2 and 3 times what you paid the vessel in return. This is the only "Buy and Sell" option that you can log off and come back later and finish, as it does not finish with the trader year but will continue until you receive your pay out.
You match velocities with the mysterious vessel. Your minerals vanish, to be replaced by.... nothing? Wait. Searching again, you find a liquid metallic sphere encased in a carbon shell. This must be purified Soleinium. Required component for the Flagship, part of the Director's Quest. No other benefit. This reward can only be obtained once.
You match velocities with the mysterious vessel. Your minerals vanish, to be replaced by.... nothing? Wait. You search again. In your cargo hold is a mountain of paperwork for you to complete. You gain 5 red tape. You get 5 Red Tape to use with the Bureaucrat. No other benefit.


If you have FATIGUE when the Mysterious Vessel comes, be careful, after you pay him, you may zero out and not get any profits from fuel pellets! You may end up losing all your credits! Depending on which bonus you get or how bad your fatigue is, it is very risky!

I missed the reward message!

If you missed the message saying what you got from the MV, it can be figured out by working through the following.

Are you getting a ship buy/sell offer every turn? If you are it's Buy Low, Sell High or Surprises. The first two can be seen from the prices being proposed. If both prices are normal then you got Surprises. You may also get a random Buy Low or Sell High (or even both if you have Surprises); if this happens look at next turn's offer to see which figure has returned to normal.

Look on the Accounts tab. If the efficiency figure has jumped to something massively over 3300 you got fuel pellets. If the efficiency has increased by 100, that's what the MV just gave you. If your Red Tape total has increased, that's what you got.

When you get a buy/sell offer, the sell offer says 'might be worth something' - this indicates that you got One Ship Worth More. It typically takes around six sales to get the bonus.

If none of the above apply you got the Solenium from the MV.


Santa makes multiple appearances over a two day period for Christmas. The Santa Vessel does not charge a fee. The appearances are spaced approximately 11 years apart and appear for all Guilds at the same time.