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The Call to Leadership is the TE 3000 equivalent to the Pathway to Royalty.  It is the Beginnings of your journey to becoming a Guild Leader.  You can begin the "Call of Leadership" when you reach the rank of Captain and have 450 personal ships. Each stage seems to appear 12 online hours after the previous and then repeats approximately every two hours if not taken or requirements are not met.
The Call to Leadership is the TE 3000 equivalent to the Pathway to Royalty.  It is the Beginnings of your journey to becoming a Guild Leader.  You can begin the "Call of Leadership" when you reach the rank of Captain and have 450 personal ships. Each stage seems to appear 12 online hours after the previous and then repeats approximately every two hours if not taken or requirements are not met.

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==ALTERNATIVE to STEP 9: Operations Assistant / Operations Manager ==
==ALTERNATIVE to STEP 9: Operations Assistant / Operations Manager ==

Alternatively, a player who has completed Step 8 can be named as an Operations Assistant or Operations Manager of their Guild (this can occur before seeing Step 9). The Guildleader performs this through the same process as awarding a medal/title. It must be done twice, once to promote from Cross of the Guardian to OA, and then again to promote from OA to OM.
Alternatively, a player who has completed Step 8 can be named as an Operations Assistant or Operations Manager of their Guild (this can occur before seeing Step 9). The Guildleader performs this through the same process as awarding a medal/title. It must be done twice, once to promote from Cross of the Guardian to OA, and then again to promote from OA to OM. The potential OA/OM needs to have >= 2000 personal ships.

An Operations Assistant can only act on their downline. The Operations Manager can act on the whole guild. Both OA and OM must be direct to their Guildleader and have 100K ships or more to receive the OA- and OM-specific offers.
An Operations Assistant can only act on their downline. The Operations Manager can act on the whole guild. Both OA and OM must be direct to their Guildleader and have 100K ships or more to receive the OA- and OM-specific offers.
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The second option, to transfer the guild, is only offered if the OM is online and has enough fleet size to qualify to ascend (100K - the same as they need to be an active OM). The OM becomes the leader of the guild, with the name and reserve fleet preserved, while the former Guildleader becomes a direct subordinate to the now-promoted OM and attracts the same penalties as above.
The second option, to transfer the guild, is only offered if the OM is online and has enough fleet size to qualify to ascend (100K - the same as they need to be an active OM). The OM becomes the leader of the guild, with the name and reserve fleet preserved, while the former Guildleader becomes a direct subordinate to the now-promoted OM and attracts the same penalties as above.
Note: If the dissolution option is chosen the confirmation dialogue may not appear until the second turn after selecting dissolution.

Latest revision as of 11:12, 17 October 2021

Main Page
General Information
Director's Quest
Call of Leadership
Terms Used
Mysterious Vessel
The Bureaucrat
Guilds of Tiny Empires 3000
Links to Outside Resources

The Call to Leadership is the TE 3000 equivalent to the Pathway to Royalty. It is the Beginnings of your journey to becoming a Guild Leader. You can begin the "Call of Leadership" when you reach the rank of Captain and have 450 personal ships. Each stage seems to appear 12 online hours after the previous and then repeats approximately every two hours if not taken or requirements are not met.

STEP 1 (450 Personal Ships, 10,000 Total Ships)

If you wish someday to become leader of your own guild, there are steps you must take to demonstrate your Leadership abilities. You must also show commitment to your colonists and your fellow traders

To show you can act outside your own interests, you can improve trade conditions for all by installing comm beacons along the trade lanes. This will cost 200,000,000 credits. Pay it?

Results: You paid 200,000,000 credits to install comm beacons along the trade lanes in the local star system. Nervous new pilots thank you profusely, and even grizzled veterans nod your way in appreciation of your effort.

STEP 2 (500 Personal Ships)

If you wish someday to become leader of your own guild, there are steps you must take to demonstrate your leadership abilities. You must also show commitment to your colonists and your fellow traders.

Access to food has become an issue in your growing colonies. Gro-gro paste is not as popular as it used to be. A hydroponic Farm Structure on each colony costs 400,000,000 credits. Pay it?

Results: You paid 400,000,000 credits for a hydroponic farm system on each colony. The draw of freshly grown food brings, xx,000 new colonists in from other areas. Your reputation as a leader is on the rise.

Receive: New colonists equal to 10% Capacity.

STEP 3 (550 Personal Ships, 20,000 Total Ships)

You can continue to improve trade conditions for all local traders by paying for a grav engineer to precisely map the local planets' orbits. This will cost 800,000,000 credits. Pay it?

Results: You paid 800,000,000 credits for a detailed orbital map of the local planets and moons. This allows transport ships to save fuel by using nearby gravity wells for acceleration. All local traders thank you.

STEP 4 (30,000 Total Ships)

To gain the support of your colonists, you consider upgrading the infrastructure in the colonies. A system of medical clinics is required. Will you pay 1,000,000,000 credits for some clinics?

Results: You paid 1,000,000,000 credits for a system of medical clinics amongst your colonies. Word of your benevolence gets out, and 10% of your population capacity new colonists join you. Your reputation as a decisive leader is on the rise.

In addition, getting all those doctors to work together took many long meetings and negotiations. You gain 5 Red Tape. (July 2012)

STEP 5 (Director Rank & 40,000 Total Ships)

A large asteroid field blocks the route between two lucrative trade centers. Thought it will be extraordinarily huge undertaking, will you pay 2,000,000,000 cr to have the field cleared? Yes X No

Results: You paid 2,000,000,000 credits to have the large asteroid field cleared, which benefits everyone except the pirates, who used it for cover. In gratitude, fellow traders send 10% of your population capacity colonists to your colonies

STEP 6 (50,000 Total Ships)

Your colonies have grown so rapidly that again food has become scarce. For 20,000,000,000 creds. you can convert and entire planet into a farm world, and hire overseers for it. Pay it? Yes x No

Results: You paid 20,000,000,000 credits to terraform and entire planet into a massive farm production. The food flows freely now, and your colonies continue to grow. 10% of your population capacity of new colonists join under your guardianship.

Whilst remaining over 50K ships and direct to the Guild Leader the hint text for the Guild on the Standings page will show your name as "Executive Director".

This step also awards 5 Red Tape "Terraforming a planet is no small undertaking. The forms you had to fill out were not merely in triplicate. They were in dodeclicate. You gained 5 Read Tape"

STEP 7: (60,000 Total Ships)

Every guild is required to hire a security force to keep the trade lanes safe from the Hand of Anarchy pirates. The initial cost for this is 40,700,000,001 credits. Buy it?


You paid 40,700,000,001 credits to hire a security force for the guild you plan to create. They will stand by until you actually start your guild. 10% of your population capacity join your colonies.

STEP 8: Guild Name (1,500 Personal Ships, 75,000 Total Ships)

You are nearing the day when you can be leader of your own guild. Of course, every guild requires a name, and now is the time to propose one. You'll have several chances to decide if you aren't ready now. A guild name can be no more then 20 letters, including spaces, Hyphens and apostrophes are ok, but no other special characters. Click yes after typing the name.

Next turn:

You typed "xxxxxxx xxxxxxx" as your future guild name. If this is correct, it will be sent along for approval. If not, click No and you'll have another chance. Accept name?

Next turn:

You've accepted the guild name "xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx" The name has been sent to the authorities for approval. If you hear nothing, then the name was approved.

STEP 9: (2000 Personal Ships & 100,000 Total Ships)

You've made it to the final step along this epic quest to become leader of your own guild. You must pay to convert a former colony into a base of operations for your new guild. This is the Guild HQ.

Please note: if you chose Yes, you will leave your guild to form a new one, with you as its leader. Pay 120,808,909,000 cr to build the HQ and form a new guild? Destiny Awaits!

ALTERNATIVE to STEP 9: Operations Assistant / Operations Manager

Alternatively, a player who has completed Step 8 can be named as an Operations Assistant or Operations Manager of their Guild (this can occur before seeing Step 9). The Guildleader performs this through the same process as awarding a medal/title. It must be done twice, once to promote from Cross of the Guardian to OA, and then again to promote from OA to OM. The potential OA/OM needs to have >= 2000 personal ships.

An Operations Assistant can only act on their downline. The Operations Manager can act on the whole guild. Both OA and OM must be direct to their Guildleader and have 100K ships or more to receive the OA- and OM-specific offers.

OAs can place a bulk ship order for their downline and also allocate titles in their downline (without medals or awarding extra ships). Thus an OA/OM can give someone a new title even when they have received all three medals.

OMs have the ability to place a bulk ship order for the whole guild, allocate titles as above and a unique ability which is to shift someone to a new superior within the guild, so allowing inactive players/lines to be moved.

OAs and OMs also have an ability to reimburse a sabotage victim in their downline from the guild's reserve providing that it holds over 2000 ships. This only applies to their downline, even with an OM. The OA/OM must be online at the time of the sabotage.

Therefore, there are three abilities which are unique to Guildleaders:-

  • Awarding medals with the associated title, free ships and increase in personal ship maximum
  • Punishments (barring someone from joining the guild, banishing someone from the guild, imprisonment for a year or stripping a medal - with a choice of whether it is publicly announced or not)
  • Prepaying dues for the guild for three years (or five years in those guilds which have achieved 10,000 ships in the reserve fleet). This can either take effect immediately or be preset for a date in advance

OMs have one unique ability - being able to move an inactive player (inactive seems to mean about a month without using the game) elsewhere in the same guild.

When an OM/OA signs in they will see notification of any MV visit. Bureaucrat visit or bulk buy whilst they were offline, as does a Guildleader. In fact anyone at any rank who is direct to a Guildleader gets these notifications at sign-in.

As at October 2011 the MV notification at sign-in still quotes a date one month earlier than the actual first in-game sighting.


Tiny Empires has long had a manual abdication process where a Grand Vice could take over an existing kingdom intact from a retiring monarch. In September 2013 this process was automated and extended to include TE3000 too.

Twice daily at 12am and 12pm SLT the Guildleader will get an offer from a shadowy figure. Aside from doing nothing, one or two further options are presented.

The first option is to dissolve the guild. The guild will cease to exist and the former Guildleader will return to Director rank with a number of penalties applied:-

  • A financial penalty
  • A fixed title of "Resigner" which sticks for a week of real time
  • All allies are disconnected
  • Call of Leadership progress is wiped out and will not restart for two weeks real time

Direct subordinates are not affected and remain connected.

The second option, to transfer the guild, is only offered if the OM is online and has enough fleet size to qualify to ascend (100K - the same as they need to be an active OM). The OM becomes the leader of the guild, with the name and reserve fleet preserved, while the former Guildleader becomes a direct subordinate to the now-promoted OM and attracts the same penalties as above.

Note: If the dissolution option is chosen the confirmation dialogue may not appear until the second turn after selecting dissolution.