Guilds of TE3000
Known Guilds and SubGroups
- Alliance of Hera - the only "Official" Guild currently in the game
Potential Guilds
- Angels of the Universe - Alamiga Anatine, Head of Line site link
- Eternal Alliance - Mogul Eternally Timeless, Head of Line EA page
- The Evil Monkey Conspiracy - Davy Jones the Sock Monkey, Inanimate Object and Head of Line
- Kelly's Crew - Captain Kelly Barron, Head of Line (Guild name is not final, I'm open to suggestions)
- Laurelin StarBase - Captain Star3450 Xue
- Mu Trade Federation - Captain Buckaroo Mu, Head of Line
- Northern Empire - Mogul JustOneMore Loon, Head of Line
- The Rebellion - Captain Zippo Waco
- Spaceballs - Trade Baron allykat Siamendes, Head of Line
- Star Traders - A loyal band of sisters and brothers
- Zero Gravity - Captain Johnii Nowhere, Head of Line
- Lucien Alliance - Lead by Broker Lucien Darkfold. Monocular Oracle (UltraBot Superior and Head of Line)
All information here is voluntarily added by the lines and groups of Tiny Empires 3000. Potential Guilds listed may not become Official Guilds. Please feel free to add your lines and sub-groups as you like.