Notable Outages
January 2012
On January 9th at approximately 5pm SLT, the Tiny Empires servers for both versions stopped processing. First Notification:
Greetings all, The Tiny Empires 3000 game server is down for some unexpected maintenance. I'm told the very best technicians are working on it as we speak, and I hope the game will be back up soon. I will keep you updated as I hear more. -- Ultralite Soleil
The servers remained down overnight. The following morning (January 10th), the Chancellor posted this:
Greetings all, There is bad news and good news. Which shall I give first? <rolls dice>... The bad news is that there has apparently been a catastrophic failure of some kind in the Tiny Empires 3000 servers and they will have to be rebuilt, which could take the rest of the day. The good news is that I managed to grab a good backup before the failure, so nothing in the Tiny Empires games will be lost. Your ships and credits are safe. I will update you more as I learn more. Ultralite Soleil
Later that day, approximately 6:45pm, notice was given in the Tiny Empires group (but not the Tiny Empires 3000 group):
Thanks to some very poor response times from the company hosting the TE servers, I am still not in a situation where I can get on there and restore the database backup and get you all playing again. Now it is looking like the game won't be running again until tomorrow. I am very sorry for the long delay. This is the worst downtime for TE in years. More information as I learn it... Ultralite
(Servers are still down as of this writing)