Mu Trade Federation

From Tiny Empires 3k
Revision as of 12:47, 16 March 2014 by BuckarooMu (talk | contribs)
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The Mu Trade Federation is headed by Elsbeth Eleventhauer, Guild Leader. This page is to introduce you to our goals, ideals, and codes of conduct.

History of the Mu Trade Federation

Buckaroo Mu, founder of the Guild, started playing about 6 hours after release of Tiny Empires 3000. With the help of some friends from TE: Classic, he rose in rank fairly quickly. Initially assigned to Zuma Vader, he moved to be a direct subject of Director Tristan Stovall. The line later moved to Flonne Ninetails and the Alliance of Serenity Guild. On August 22nd at 10:10pm, the Mu Trade Federation was officially formed.

Buckaroo Mu reached the rank of Captain at 12:36am on Sunday, April 5, 2009, and the rank of Director at 11:30pm May 24th.

On March 16th, 2014, Buckaroo retired as Guild Leader and turned the Guild over to the previous Operations Manager, Guild Leader Elsbeth Eleventhauer.


The symbol we use to represent our line, 無, is the Japanese ideogram "Mu" (pronounced "Wu" in Chinese), which also happens to be the last name of our Founder. The literal translation means "No-Thing" - but in addition, it represents the ultimate Negation. For instance, the classic unanswerable question "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" - if you've never started beating your wife, the question can't be answered in English. However, 無 IS the correct answer, symbolizing that the question itself is invalid. This symbol also defines well the object of our Guild - no drama, no concern for numbers, no fighting to rise above other Guilds. We do not seek fame and fortune. We only want to play the game.

The Mu Trade Federation is founded on a set of core principals.

  1. Support for the Guild - Recruitment from within the Guild is prohibited. Rearrangements within the Guild are allowed only with the consent of all players affected.
  2. No Sabotage - It's a waste of credits, and every time you sabotage, the odds of your name coming up as a target increase.
  3. Playing to Enjoy - Tiny Empires 3000 is designed to be a social game, not one you "win". We value the relationships we build, and will not trade our values for a higher place in the standings.
  4. Honorable Gameplay - When we bribe, we don't offer subjects or out-of-game benefits (L$ or merchandise). If you don't want to join us unless we hurt another player's line by moving subjects to you, we don't want you. After all, you wouldn't want us to move players from your line to improve someone else's, would you?
  5. Support for the Individual Downlines - While we encourage giving ships to your downline, we will never ask (and actively discourage) ships to be given upwards. "Everybody does it" is not an acceptable excuse - a player's upline exists to support his or her downline, not to leech from it. Ships given down will benefit your downline, while still counting toward your total.

Chart of Line

See the Tiny Empires 3000 Standings Page.