Alliance of Lyonesse

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Alliance of Lyonesse

  • Guildleader - Snookums Voom
  • Operations Manager - Aderyn Quinnell

History of the Alliance of Lyonesse

Alliance of Lyonesse was formed out of The Shadows Guild June 7, 2010 at about 10:00am SLT time and announced in the Tiny Empires 3000 year of 3286, the month of March.

Alliance of Lyonesse was the 20th guild to be created and a 3rd Generation out of the founding parent Guild - the Alliance of Hera.

Shortly after it formed, a 4th Generation child guild was spawned out of it. This caused Alliance of Lyonesse to drop into the minor guild for a short time which it has since recovered from and now is firmly established as a major guild of Tiny Empires 3000