
From Tiny Empires 3k
Revision as of 00:11, 31 August 2009 by Dan Miklos (talk | contribs) (jumper bribe bribes bribing guild)
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The word Jumper denotes a TE3K player that accepts nearly all bribe offers, this way making "easy credits" each time he accepts the offer and doesn't stick to a single guild.


There are a two ways to avoid having a Jumper as a subordinate:

  • When the bribe offer comes up, don't automatically say "YES" to it. Leave it as "NO", take note of the name, looks for his Second Life profile page and send him or her an IM that basically invites the person to join you and describe your guild, you essentially need to convince said person to join you (it is recommended that you prepare a complete speech and keep it in a note for future use), if said person is interested in joining you, he or she will eventually reply to your IM and you will have a nice conversation and if lucky, will get a new subordinate without paying anything.
  • Look for trusted sources of information about the person you want to have as subordinate (e.g. Experienced friends, Tiny Empires 3000 Official Second Life group etc).