Trader May 2012
All times are SLT (Pacific) as that is the only timezone we all have in common. Please, for consistency, note when The Trader is FIRST sighted, not when the "year" of activity begins. PLEASE follow the formatting as established these many months, changing the format only creates busy work, if unsure, please check a previous month for an example of how to present the information.
* Trader Arrived
09:08 AM SLT, Tue, May 01, 2012, May 1147, All Queendoms and Kingdoms
06:38 AM SLT, Wed, May 02, 2012, Mar 1181, The Queendom of Gaia (Black Potion)
11:27 AM SLT, Wed, May 02, 2012, Jan 1189, Festival (All Queendoms and Kingdoms)